Visiting families in Gisenyi, Rwanda

Patrick (17), Mutesi (16) and Clementine (19) in their small room
There are so many orphans and vulnerable children in Rwanda, that there are not enough Guardians to care for them all. Clementine is a member of the Guardians of Hope group in Gisenyi called "Taking Care of Our Health". After the death of her parents from AIDS, Clementine and her siblings had no home. Through the help of the church, they found a small room and a Clementine received a loan to start a small business.

Please pray for Clementine as she supports her two younger siblings with her business of selling potatoes. She cannot go to school herself, because she has had to become their mother.

Entrepreneuring Rwandese carrying goods for sale into the sprawling city of Goma, just a few hundred meters over on the Democratic Republic of Congo's side of the border.
Starting a business is not an easy venture anywhere, especially in areas of poverty. For Guardians of Hope in Gisenyi, it has meant looking for every opportunity where they can turn a small profit. Given their proximity to the Goma, the capital of the strife-torn Congolese province of Nord-Kivu, the people of Gisenyi have access to a market of around 250,000 people (a population larger than any Rwandan town other than the capital of Kigali).

Isaie and Aaron with Bernadette
in her charcoal business
For the chairwoman of the Gisenyi Guardians of Hope, Bernadette, a small loan of of about $25 Canadian dollars enabled her to purchase bags of charcoal, a precious fuel source for cooking food and boiling water, from outlining rural communities and sell it for a higher price in Gisenyi. As her business grew, she repaid her loan and was able to take a second loan to expand her business and rent a small room on the Congolese border where she could sell her bags to merchants interested in carrying it into Goma where it would fetch an even higher price. Now she sells a minimum of ten 70 Kg bags to Goma each day. The heavy sacks are hoisted onto the heads of local men who walk the great weight across the border and over 3 kms to the Goma market. With this steady income, Bernadette pays rent for a room, feeds her family, and sends her children to school.

Erica and Patty with Bernadette
Please pray for Bernadette, as she desires to expand her business to also selling bags of "Irish potatoes". Pray for her health and the health of her children. "I can not miss a day in my business" shared Bernadette. If I do not work today, my children will have nothing to eat."
In Prayer:
Please continue to pray for the Guardians of Hope in Rwanda. According to Rev. Damascene of the Gisenyi Church, the border town of Gisenyi, like most urban centres in Rwanda, are rapidly expanding: "Our town grows up daily and life is hard". With more and more poor rural families turning to large towns, issues of employment, shelter, and access to food are deep concerns.
The Guardians of Hope are banding together to pool their little funds to help each other start small businesses, but according to the pastor "their profits are so low" and the business are extremely vulnerable.
"We will continue to hope things will be more better," shared Rev. Damascene. "We pray for a better future!"