At last, the advent journey brought us to
Christmas Day and the lighting
of the Christ candle
We had a wonderful day at home yesterday with our children and a few friends. Although we miss the fun of a snowy white Canadian Christmas, it was great to be able to visit with our families through the magic of Skype -- it was the best connection we'e ever had!! We didn't get to chat with everyone, but we were thinking of you all -- Merry Christmas!!!!!!

The girls up early to see what Santa left
under the Christmas tree

Mommy gave us all new pyjamas

Ava in her new dress

Christmas Quilt

Tristan snuggling with his Christmas stash of gifts

The cool early morning soon melted away as the sun shone brightly and we enjoyed a beautiful Kenyan summer day... December begins our summer here south of the equator

Daddy and our little elves

Mommy and Ava

Emma ready for our Christmas Day party

Gobble gobble!

Ava, Kerry and Joanne at the Christmas feast!

Ava loved her little kitchen she made PlayDoh cookies
and "ironed" her clothes all day -- she is a busy little bee

Wacky Stacky with our friends Amy, Hans, Mel and Kerry

It is like jenga... with a blindfold


Erica and Mel