In this month's update video, Aaron shares about the value of the Africa Leadership Exchange program that CBM is facilitating with our African partner churches. The most recent gathering of the ALE was held this past week in Kibuye Rwanda.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Strength to the Weary
Tidings Magazine is featuring an online article by Erica for the month of November 2018 for their Women of Faith series. To read the online article, please click here.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
An Unexpected Afternoon
The merry band of castaways!
The day started out innocent enough. After a full morning of work on governance, we would take an hour-long tour of a local island known for its massive colony of fruit bats. We had no idea what we were in store for, but I guess that is the way most adventures begin.
Napoleon Island, Lake Kivu
Sixteen members of our group of African leaders chose to take the early afternoon excursion across to the cliffside trails of Napoleon Island. The hat-shaped island is home to thousands of giant fruit bats that roost in the trees which cling to the steep terrain of the island.
We left Kibuye with bright sunshine and a gentle sail through a network of islands.
Circled by hundreds of fruit bats
On the island, we climbed through the forest with our guide to an area where the trees were hanging with bats the size of small cats. The sound of the bats can be heard over the water as you approach the island. It is the sort of scene that you would find in a Hitchcock movie.
Once high on the edge of the hill, the guide startles the bats and in minutes the sky is filled with a tornado of flapping wings and diving bats.
Rev. Julius Kimani watching the bats
on the steep trail of Napoleon Island
I can tell you exactly what is going through this guy's mind...
"Oh no, what in the world was I thinking!"
Darrell and Laura Lee Bustin
Aaron with Rev. Dr. Samuel Ngayihembako
We made our way back to the shore and despite my phobia of birds and bats, I was so thankful for the opportunity to push through my fear and share this experience with our friends and church partners. Of course, I had no idea that the real adventure had only just begun.
The winds had begun to pick up as we set out from Napoleon Island and soon the once calm waters of Lake Kivu were tossing our boat up and down like a child's toy. With each crashing wave, the boat bent and slapped down with a clap. The spray showered us as we gripped the gunwale and braced for each wave. As the boat slammed against the water, seams began to open and soon water was pouring in from below our feet.
It didn't take long to realize that the water was not simply entering the boat from the spray of the waves but from a breach in the hull. The boatman, turned to a nearby island as the water rose towards our knees. It was then that the reality struck us -- We are going to sink!
Our sinking boat
The island that we reached is known locally as "Monkey Island" for the lone buck toothed Vervet monkey that lives on the island with a few local cows.
To our surprise, the monkey had seen us fighting our way to his private shore and he was actually waiting for us as we climbed out of the waterlogged vessel. He perched himself on a rock and waited until everyone was safely on dry land and only then did he scamper off. It was one of those surreal moments in life when you turn to the people around you and say "Did that really just happen?"
The lonely monkey
Soaking wet, our group helped the captain pull the boat into a calm cove and tipped it onto its side. As a Canadian, I figured that he would be calling for a second boat to come and pick us up and that the adventure was over. I was wrong. Very wrong.
It was soon obvious that this was not a new problem for the captain. Once he and members of our group had bailed the grounded-boat out, he began to patch the holes with a knife and torn fabric. We watched as the sun dropped lower over the distant hills of South Kivu.
There was certainly lots of nervous laughter, but I am so thankful for our band of castaways. Jeremiah Ngumo, Luka Kuria, Jonathan Mills, Darrell & Laura Lee Bustin, and the intrepid Justin Uwubuntu who disappeared shortly after we beached the boat and found a shepherd who had a better bailer to aid in drying out the boat.
Safe to shore
With the captain satisfied with his patch, we untied the boat and pushed it back out into the water. In the time that it had taken for us to empty and repair the boat, the wind had died down and the white caps had all but disappeared on the Lake, but the damage to the boat had been extensive and within minutes the water had begun to gush back in.
I tightened my lifejacket and put away my camera as the captain turned the boat toward a new island.
Our new island
In the distance, we could see monkey island and the high cliffs of Napoleon Island from the protected cove of our new island, which the captain told us is called Amamoro which means peace in Kinyarwandan. And by the grace of God that is exactly what we encountered.
On the peaceful shore of Amamoro, we watched the sun dip low toward the water. Our friend, Andre Sibomana, realizing that we were in trouble had organized a rescue boat and we finally were able to establish cell phone contact with the rest of our group.
We reached the jetty of our guesthouse just as the last rays of the day disappeared into the West.
Waiting for rescue
If you are ever going to be shipwrecked on a deserted tropical island, I highly recommend being with a group of Canadian missionaries and African pastors. We laughed, we shared pocket mints, and we problem solved together. It was certainly an experience that I will never forget and I am deeply thankful for these incredible people. But hey, what better way is there to draw you closer to others than the fear of drowning in the treacherous waters of Lake Kivu.
Our friend, Rev. Jeremiah Ngumo, reminded us of Jesus being asleep in the boat as the disciples feared for their lives. No matter what challenges we face in life, we are never alone!
Aaron, Jonathan, Laura Lee, and Darrell
Some Remarkable Days in Rwanda
The CBM Africa Leadership Exchange meets in Rwanda
The past few days have been an absolutely incredible time as we have met with leaders from across Canadian Baptist Ministries' African partners.
We are meeting this week along the shores of Lake Kivu in Kibuye, Rwanda, for the third gathering of the Africa Leadership Exchange (ALE). The exchange consists of leadership from churches of five countries, including Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Canada.
We are all too familiar with the bad news stories seen in the media -- From the enduring conflict in South Sudan to the struggle to contain the Ebola outbreak in the renegade areas of North Kivu, there is much to be concerned about in Africa. This is why we are so encouraged by the spirit of affection and cooperation that we are witnessing among church leaders in East and Central Africa.
Observing the bonds of love and fidelity across our partners, we were reminded of a popular Swahili proverb, which says "Unity is strength, division is weakness." Over the past five years, we have witnessed increased unity, mutual concern, and appreciation across our partners. It has been a wonderful gift to be a part of programs like the ALE that foster shared learning and reflection from across the diverse areas where we serve. There is a great strength found in unity!

On our way to Kibuye
On Saturday, the group converged in Kigali to join in worship and fellowship with the Association of Rwandan Baptist Churches (AEBR) that is hosting us during this time together in Rwanda. For many members of our delegation, this was their first experience of Rwanda.
Worship with the AEBR church in Kacyiru, Kigali
On Sunday, we participated in worship with two AEBR congregations from Kigali, before departing for Lake Kivu and the quiet fishing community of Kibuye.
It was a very special service for many reasons, but one of the highlights for the Kacyiru congregation was receiving Jonathan Mills who had been a beloved member of the choir and church family during his time serving in Kigali with his family.

Rev. Dr. Jonathan Mills preaching in Kacyiru
Wonderful reunions in Kigali
Laura Lee Bustin with Anne Marie
Along with past participants, this ALE welcomed CBM global field staff Darrell and Laura Lee Bustin as well as Ernestine Kamarora (the new director of development for the AEBR) and Rev. Jeremiah Deng of the Faith Evangelical Baptist Churches of South Sudan.
We are very grateful for Laura Lee who has been coordinating the logistics for this round of the ALE.
Rev. Dr. Jonathan Wilson with Rev. Andre Sibomana
It has also been a blessing to have Professor Jonathan Wilson and Soohwan Park joining us once again for the ALE. Since our last gathering, Jonathan has officially joined CBM as our senior associate for theological integration. Both he and Soohwan are joining our faculty of lecturers this week and will be facilitating retreat days for Rwandan leaders next week in Kigali.
The third gathering of the ALE
This session of the ALE focused on issues of governance and leadership facing each of our partner organizations. Our discussions on strengthening the integrity of church leadership and what it means to participate in the mission of God in the world have been inspiring as these executive leaders work through how they can strengthen their denominations.
Along with our Canadian facilitators, we are glad to welcome Rev. Samuel Ruganbage who will be leading us in sessions on congregational governance from a Rwandan perspective. We are also investing time with the regional minister of Kibuye and visiting the genocide memorial site in Bisesero.
When we consider the challenges of ethnic conflict, the Ebola crisis, and insecurity that are facing our church partners in Africa, we are reminded how important it is that leaders from across ethnic and religious divides come together in unity for the good of all people.
Already this week, we have encountered stories of great loss being met by the transforming power of the Gospel. Even in times of great pain and fear, God is moving. Please join us in praying for this week's ALE and for each of our partner churches serving in Africa.

Group discussions
Jonathan Mills introducing the board policy manual
Rev. Dr. Darrell Bustin teaching on the subject of servant leadership
Theological Reflection with Jonathan Wilson
Rev. Jeremiah Deng and Rev. Emmanuel Ndagijimana
Aaron with FEBAC pastor, Peter Nyok
Henrietta, Laura Lee, Veronica, and Sibomana
Friday, October 5, 2018
Ava's First Cross-country Meet
Congratulating our track and field girl after a great meet!
Ava is running on Rosslyn Academy's cross-country team this year and she just completed her first competition against the International School of Kenya and St. Andrews School Turi. She did fantastic finishing in the top group in the Middle School girls 3 km run.
It was a beautiful sunny afternoon under the shade of the purple jacaranda trees.
Ava with some of her cross-country friends
The celebrating continues as Ava and her friends stay late for the Rosslyn Middle School fun day and come back to our place tonight for her birthday sleepover and 80's party tomorrow. It is shaping up to be a great Canadian Thanksgiving weekend!
CBM Update Video October 2018
In this month's update video, we share about the new work that Canadian Baptist Ministries is beginning in the country of Uganda. We are especially excited for the ministry of our friends Rev. Gato and Anne Marie, as they transition to Kampala as a family to assist churches and communities in the area of peacebuilding. You read more about the new appointment of Rev. Gato Munyamasoko as CBM peace and reconciliation specialist by clicking here.
Thursday, October 4, 2018
but you needed more...
Emergency food distribution provided earlier this year
by CBM and FEBAC in Mangaten, South Sudan
During a recent visit to Canada, we were encouraged to witness a genuine desire amongst local churches to deepen their engagement and presence in their communities. As one woman shared, "we want to be a church that has a heart for our community, and community at its heart." This is what it means to embrace the full Gospel of Christ that calls us to an inseparable commitment to love God and our neighbours.
In Richard Sterns book The Hole in Our Gospel, he shares his own realization that the Christian faith is supposed to be tied to the loving and compassionate mission of God in the world. At one point he paraphrases the words of Jesus in a way that speaks directly to challenges in the world today.
“For I was hungry, while you had all you needed. I was thirsty, but you drank bottled water. I was a stranger, and you wanted me deported. I needed clothes, but you needed more clothes. I was sick, and you pointed out the behaviors that led to my sickness. I was in prison, and you said I was getting what I deserved."
Richard Sterns, The Hole in Our GospelSterns words are challenging for us as individuals and for the Church as a whole. One particular phrase stands out to us "but you needed more." Stern refers to clothes, but we could plug in any number of things that we mistake for "needs". How might we be called to shift our attitudes, our priorities, and our perspective?
As we pray for the needs that our Canadian Baptist partners are facing throughout the world, we recognize that we are also called to do our part. Individually, none of us have the resources to tackle the various crisis around the world, but together as we each play our part, God brings about change.
Thank you for joining us in prayer for these concerns, and for being a part of the story of transformation in the way that God has called and equipped you.
Ebola Response
The Ebola epidemic in the Eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo continues to raise concern as the infection rate increased to 162 reported cases, included 74 deaths. Ongoing issues of insecurity and new cases emerging near the Ugandan border are distressing. In response, East African countries are intensifying collaboration and preparedness with increased border screening and disease surveillance.Please join us in praying for the response of our local church partner, the Community of Baptist Churches of Central Africa, and for the international teams that are working with local health authorities to halt the spread of Ebola.
To learn more about CBM's response and how you can get involved click here.
Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami
"Please join us in praying for those affected by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Indonesia’s Sulawesi island last Friday. The disaster, which has claimed the lives of more than 1,200 people, has left survivors injured and displaced.Please pray that God would give strength and endurance to emergency responders who are putting their own lives at risk to reach those trapped under rubble. Pray that God would guide and protect them as they serve their community in this sacrificial way. Also, remember to pray for the children who are now left as orphans due to this disaster. We pray that surviving families and communities would come alongside those in need as they seek to rebuild their lives in the aftermath.
May God’s comfort and peace be with those who are mourning the loss of loved ones – both in Indonesia and around the world." CBM
Join the emergency response by clicking here.
South Sudan Emergency Response
Currently, 5.3 million people face acute food insecurity in South Sudan. Canadian Baptist Ministries and our local partner the Faith Evangelical Baptist Churches are preparing for the potential of a third phase of response in Melut County, the area that has experienced the most intense fighting during the war between government and opposition forces.Please join us in praying for a resolution to the civil war that has gripped South Sudan for the past five years. We also remember the pastors, relief workers, and volunteers that are risking their lives to assist the displaced people in desperate need of assistance.
"So many people are crying out to God for His help. Might you be the answer to one of their prayers?" -- Richard Stearns
Monday, October 1, 2018
Because We Have Songs
Fall 2018 Issue of Mosaic Magazine
October is here and with it many Canadians will be preparing for our annual Thanksgiving traditions with family and friends. As our family gets ready for our Thanksgiving celebration, we are very mindful of the gift of being apart of God's great redemptive story. That no matter where we are, God calls us to experience and bear witness to faith, hope, and love.
Throughout the past year, CBM has been reflecting on these three themes in our communication and national publication Mosaic, as we consider what does it mean for us to embrace what we believe.
The latest issue of Mosaic features "Because We Have Songs" an article written by Aaron on the 40 years of covenant partnership between CBM and the Africa Brotherhood Church in Kenya. It is an encouraging story that reminds of the importance of embracing what we believe when it comes to our relationships with other Christians.
You can read the article and the entire magazine online by using this link: MOSAIC
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