"Time to SOAR"
2010 Atlantic Baptist Women
"But those who trust in the Lord will
find new strength. They will soar high..."
Isaiah 40:31
Erica with our CBM colleague Linda Naves
This weekend we are participating in the annual Atlantic Baptist Women's convention at Crandall University, Moncton. We are joining our CBM team mate Linda Naves and several other missionaries like Dan & Melody Grove and Diane Friesen, who are also taking part in this years gathering. The theme speaker for the convention is Brenda Mann, the executive director of Canadian Baptist Women of Ontario and Quebec. Diane's opening presentation "Surrender" set the tone for a great weekend.
2010 is also the 75th Anniversary of Canadian Baptist Women. Over the past decades, CBW has worked to promote a sense of unity among Baptist Women across Canada and provide opportunity for Baptist Women in mission and ministry to partner with women globally.
introducing theme speaker, Brenda Mann.

Rev. Cheryl Ann Beals introducing the conference theme:
"Together, as Atlantic Baptist Women, we are going to learn how to SOAR! We will learn to surrender our lives and circumstances to God. We will learn to lovingly obey His word. We will learn to intimately abide in Jesus and how to rise by the power of the Holy Spirit above our circumstances. We are going to SOAR for God's glory!"
We were delighted to meet our colleague Tim Bannister's sister, Marilyn Rogers, and mother, Myrtle Bannister, during the evening ice cream social.
Erica with our friends from Middleton Baptist, Nova Scotia,
Muriel, Leslie, Diane and Ellen