Tearful Good-byes
Emma and her best friend Lauren parting ways
One week ago today, we left New Brunswick to begin our journey back to Kenya. As we settle into Kenyan time and our routines here, we want to share a few snap shots from our final week in Canada. Again, we want to share a huge THANKS to everyone who has helped us along during our home assignment.

Ava playing piano with Don & Joy's grandson, Quinn.
While Erica and I took in meetings with our CBM colleagues in Mississauga (and did some last minute Christmas shopping), we were blessed to have the Hepburns care for our children as they enjoyed parks and a fun time together.

Saying good-bye to our friends
Don & Joy Hepburn in Toronto

Our girls pretending to sleep
at the Heathrow Airport, London
Despite our best efforts, we didn't get much sleep during the 18 hour journey from Toronto to Nairobi. Since getting back, we've continued to struggle with jetlag, but each morning seems to get a little better. We pray that the kids are back on an African clock by Thursday when they return to school.

On the tarmac at the Saint John Regional Airport, New Brunswick
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!!!