Podcasting Conversations from Africa
After a long break (our last podcast was posted back in November 2010), we are happy share that we have a new audio podcast up and ready. This month's post features a brief conversation with Bishop Timothy Ndambuki of the Africa Brotherhood Church (ABC). We hope you have a chance to hear Bishop Ndambuki share a bit of the history and growth of the ABC as it has moved cross culturally throughout Eastern and Central Africa.
We have lots of audio content from over the past few months, and hope to get back on track with at least a monthly podcast. You can listen online or download the podcasts at our www.fivekennys.podbean.com site, or subscribe for free on iTunes (Just search for fivekennys in the iTunes Store).
We are always interested in your feedback or suggestions for future podcasts. If you hit "comment" on this post, we'll be sure to respond to your message.

Bishop Timothy and Mary Ndambuki
Africa Brotherhood Church, Kenya