Friday, January 20, 2017

Rosslyn Academy 2017 High School CFS

The High School CFS Caravan

More than a dozen buses were loading up early this morning, as the Rosslyn High School prepared for their annual "cultural field studies". CFS takes students and teachers to all points of Kenya for a week of service projects in remote villages. It is an incredible experience for our children and their friends as they live and work with diverse ethnic communities of Kenya.

Rosslyn Academy, Nairobi

Emma and her best friend Raelyn

Seeing our kids off

This is Tristan's last CFS as he heads toward his High School graduation in May. We are so thankful for the opportunities he and Emma have had as students at Rosslyn. 

Ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. You may be interested to know that there is a new online community for missionary moms . . .

    The website: "Moms in Missions" (

    And also a Facebook group: (

    I just wanted to extend an invitation to you, and since both the website and the Facebook group are brand new it would be great if you could help spread the word and invite other missionary moms to join as well.

    Blessings in Christ!
