Monday, February 28, 2011
Journey to Egypt

If your feet are cold...

Ava and Sammy Getting Ready for Hilarium
Hilarium is a party game where players draw cards with all kinds of wild actions on them. Then everyone acts, yells or just sings out what's on their cards--all at once! It is crazy. Every card has an exact match, so you must try to find the other player who is acting out what's on your card. When you find that match you score!
But don't get stuck with the Gotcha Card...that one will cost you.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Perspectives on Diversity

Monday, February 21, 2011
Canadian Baptist Ministries Matching Grant
Due to the generous support we have received in past years, funding is already in place for our CIDA-approved projects for 2011. However, we must urgently deal with the reality that we have other crucial projects that desperately require funding – projects that are not eligible for CIDA funding.
Our greatest needs in The Sharing Way for the next several years include funding to:
- Assist vulnerable children
- Support people widowed or orphaned by HIV & AIDS
- Help hungry and malnourished families increase their food supply
The good news is that we have been given an incredible opportunity to receive matching funds to help support these programs.
Recently, a few generous donors of The Sharing Way personally committed to matching all the funding we receive through this appeal, until April 30, 2011. They have pledged to match every dollar we receive, so that your gift will continue to multiply in impact!
Click Here to Read more,...
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hell's Gate National Park

Fischer's Tower

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Nakuru GOH

Sunday, February 13, 2011
Middle School Banquet
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Connections in Eastleigh