Monday, November 1, 2010

Banana Republic

Banana Republic
As you enter Rwanda's Eastern Province, banana plants stretch out over the rolling countryside as far as the eye can see. Green banana's are the staple of diet in this region of Rwanda: "Green banana for breakfast. Green banana for lunch. Green Banana for supper," shared Rev Gato as we drove by truck along the main route through Eastern Province toward Tanzania. "And of course, banana juice to drink!"

Erica with Children of Hope manager Esperance
enroute to Rwanda's Eastern Province

Mubago, Rwanda

During our monitoring visits, we were delighted to meet with the Children's of Hope mentors in Mubago in Rwanda's Eastern Province. The mentors, many of whom are Guardians of Hope, come alongside 134 orphans and vulnerable children who are living in households headed by an teenaged sibling. These child head of households benefit from the support, encouragement and wisdom of local adult mentors who watch over the children of hope!

Through the help of Canadian Baptist Churches, the mentors are able to ensure that the children have basic needs met and are attending school and vocational trades. The children are also provided with health insurance, training and seeds for kitchen gardens, livestock, and life skills training.

Aaron with Pastor Rutozi Vedaste
in front of the Mubago AEBR Church

As the work of the Guardians of Hope and Children of Hope reaches into the community, the evangelistic impact of the church has grown. Over the past three years, the Mubago Church has been transformed from a congregation of 20 people to now 150 believers. They are now making bricks and building a solid church structure.
Children of Hope Mentors

Erica speaking with Seraphine
Seraphine Ngarise is a mother of three and a mentor with the Mubago Children of Hope. Through her mentor's association she is saving 200 Rwandan Francs each month. Through the saving and loans program, she has able to buy and sell sorgum grain for a profit. Her business has become five times more profitable thanks to the help of her access to micro credit.

Children living near the Mubago AEBR Church

Rabbits like these provide an important source
of meat and income for families struggling
to overcome poverty in Rwanda.

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