Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Vacation!

Boxing Day Battles!

We are enjoying a great Christmas vacation with our children; after such an intense fall it has been so nice to play together at home without having to think about our next trip or ministry assignment. The kids have been enjoying all of the attention.

On Boxing Day, we had a great water war in our yard, setting up large buckets for our water blasters. We also brought a slip n'slide back with us from Canada this summer, which has been a great source of fun!

Careful "Agent M", the evil TK
is sneaking up on you!

We've appreciated all of the Christmas greetings and emails over the past few weeks. We are so blessed to have so many great friends and family thinking and praying for us and the ministries we are a part of here in Africa. We'll have lots to write about in the coming year, but for now please excuse us for their is another battle brewing in Tristan's bedroom.... a video game maybe?

Baby Susan's first Christmas

We've also been blessed by little Susan who has been sharing Christmas with us. Please remember her, and thousands of orphans like her within Kenya. Presently the Nest Children's Home has about a dozen infants who need a loving family.


  1. Merry Christmas to you all. love the pictures.
    Pray everyday for you.

  2. Hi,

    I was wondering where I can get more information about Nest Children's Home... do they have a website? Phone number? Email? I'm curious about how I could help them out, even if I cannot adopt a child...



  3. Hi Joellen,

    The Nest Children's Home is located in Limuru, Northwest of Nairobi. Their website has contact info and lots of info:

    Hope this helps!
