Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Snap shots from Iftin

Snap shots from the
Iftin Women's Empowerment Project

Erica walking with a little girl in Mathare Valley Slum

Erica with photo journalist Gabriel Craven

Over the past few days, we've been blessed to have Gabriel visiting with the Iftin ladies. Along with taking photographs, he has been hearing their stories of courage, perseverance, and faith. We hope you enjoy seeing many of the faces of Iftin through his eye.


  1. Hi Aaron and Erica,
    What wonderful work you are doing there, with God's leading. Hope the family are well now.
    Will we be able to buy the bracelets here in Canada?
    God Bless and Love,

  2. Hi Joan,

    Thank you so much for your encouragement. Yes, the bracelets will be on sale in Canada: We'll share the details once we have them. Often volunteers will bring necklaces and jewelry back to Canada to sell as well. But there are none in Atlantic Canada at this time.

    We are excited to see this project take off and hope that the sales will increase as the project supports more and more refugee families.

