Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Church in Muslim Communities

While Kenya is a predominantly Christian nation, there are 3.7 million Muslims living in Kenya's crowded urban centres, coastal communities, and spread across the Northern Frontier. From the arid lands of North East Province to the narrow streets of Eastleigh, Muslim people live with their Christian neighbours interacting in the marketplace and the byways of life. Although Canadian Baptist Ministries has been serving in these communities for nearly thirty years, we continue to learn from our brothers and sisters within the African Church. Their experience and perspective has much to teach us, and the wider Body of Christ, about living in peace and cooperation with our Muslim neighbours, while standing in the assurance and hope of the Gospel. Their story has not been an easy one and at times has fallen into patterns of mistrust, tension and violence.

This past week, Sam Chaise, the general secretary of Canadian Baptist Ministries, posted an update by Aaron on his blog "Cut To the Chaise", about how the Church in Garissa is bonding together through the intense time of persecution and unrest that has hit Garissa and this region. Along with their deepening desire to strengthen the unity of the Church, it was encouraging to see the humility and sincere love for their Muslim neighbour shine through their conversations. Rejecting the urge to strike back, the pastors spoke of forgiveness and reconciliation -- This is God at work!

You can read the post and view short video clips of two of the pastors by visiting Sam's blog through the link below.

Click here to read Aaron's post in:

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