Saturday, May 18, 2013

CBM Team Kenya

Canadian Baptist Ministries Kenya Team 2013

Yesterday's CBM Kenya team gathering was a special time of celebration and farewell as we welcomed William and Mary Wako back from their honeymoon, and shared in a time of appreciation for Colin and Karen Godwin who will be returning to Canada this June.

Here are a few pictures from our gathering in Nairobi:

Erica visiting with our colleague Lenny Mbogo
on maternity leave with family here in Kenya

 Randy and Erica with short term volunteer 
Shannon Baines who will be serving 
with both the ABC and ACC&S churches 
over the next few weeks.

Laura and Patrick sharing an update on the progress 
of the Self Help Group initiatives in Eastleigh

 The newly weds! William and Mary

Chatting in the Garden. In the back is our friend Chris Roper who is visiting with us for a few days before returning to Nova Scotia after volunteering in Uganda this past month.

 Yattani and Salome

Our colleague Andai Jackson Aholes sharing a brief history
 of CBM's work in Kenya and his appreciation of the Godwins

Early morning CBM Muslim Ministry team meeting

Thank you for keeping our team and ministry in your prayers!

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