Sunday, December 15, 2013

Faith Evangelical Baptist Churches, South Sudan

Juba, South Sudan

Having gained independence on July 9, 2011, South Sudan is the world’s youngest country. After decades of unrest, the people of South Sudan have a great challenge before them as they build a nation.

This past week, Aaron and our colleague Terry Smith, Canadian Baptist Ministries’ (CBM) Deputy Executive Director and Director of International Partnerships, met with our partner denomination in South Sudan, the Faith Evangelical Baptist Churches (FEBAC). 

Along with partnership discussions, Aaron and Terry facilitated leadership training for the FEBAC executive and emerging leaders from within the denomination. It was a timely gathering as all of Africa commemorated the life of one of her greatest leaders, Nelson Mandela. 

Rev. Saphano, General Secretary, and Rev. Jonathan, Moderator of FEBAC

Great laughter and rich discussion during training sessions 
on integral mission and business as mission

An historic day: 
Terry and Jonathan signing the partnership memorandum 
between CBM and FEBAC

Terry with the executive leadership of FEBAC

Aaron and Terry on the Nile River

To learn more about the ministry of FEBAC
please visit their website by

1 comment:

  1. God is good and very really right now here in my home to joy and be fild with peace and inspired touch to write and bless you in Jesus name and let the be revival before rapture in Jesus name ,thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden
