Friday, December 4, 2015

Transforming Mission: Openness

Canadian Baptist Ministries' Self Help Group Program
Kariobangi, Nairobi

As obvious as it may sound, change starts with an openness for change. Without that willingness, change will never happen. Perhaps this is why the Bible talks so much about the importance of repentance. People need to own their part of the problem and take that difficult step of faith into the unknown -- saying things can be different, and I want to be a part of that new reality.

Erica facilitating the year end SHG gathering in Nairobi

This past year we have seen a lot of courageous men and women make such a step through joining the CBM self help group program in the slum areas of Nairobi. Again and again we have heard stories of men and women who want a better life for themselves and for their children.

Change does not come easy. Families living in impoverished areas like Kariobangi slum face an entangled web of social, economic, environmental, and political forces that contribute to a cycle of poverty and marginalization. But we believe that these systems of brokenness will not have the last word.

As Matisha, one of the self help group members, shared, 
"We do not want to be stuck in this same place. We hope to be far away from where we are now. We want to work. We want to go forward. We want our kids to go out and follow our values and find more for themselves than we have today."

Pray with us!

Please pray for the self help groups in Kenya, and for the families who are working to create a better life for their children and for their community. We also remember the local churches that we are partnering with in places like Kariobangi and Garissa. Pray for wisdom and discernment as these congregations seek to walk with their neighbours in building peace and hope.

You can learn more about how you can support these ministries by visiting, by contacting Canadian Baptist Ministries 905.821.3533, or by using this link: Donate Here

Kariobangi, Nairobi

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