Sunday, December 13, 2009

Emma's Christmas Tea

Emma and the girls at her first
Christmas Tea Party

Once a year Emma hosts a tea party for her friends. This year she decided to make it a Christmas Tea. She and her friends had lots of fun decorating Christmas cookies, playing games, painting their toe nails, and of course eating Christmas cookies -- the giggling was out of control... maybe it had something to do we all those missing cookies!

Simple tea party game
Step One: Life savers buried in icing sugar
Step Two: find a lifesavers with a tooth pick (no hands)
Step Three: slide the life saver onto your friends tooth pick
(no hands ... and no poking anyone with your tooth pick)

Keep passing on the lifesaver,
but hurry up the other team is going to catch up!

Step four: get the life saver to Mrs. Kenny, but careful no smooching unless your under the mistletoe!

(Repeat Steps 1 to 4 until all the life savers are done or until Ava has eaten them from the bowl)

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